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Eos: The Known World



Rowan's homeland, Atlea is a lush and fertile country that enjoy the most stable climate on the continent. Rowan's home lies in the north, near Corrinth in the Vale. Past Rowan's home and beyond the northern border lies the country of Terratreos, populated by the wild men.

The western edge of the country is marked by the Spine of the World's End (not shown), a massive mountain range that isolates Atlea and its peoples from the lands beyond. At the Spine's base is the Green Sea, a massive wooded area that is dark and mysterious. It remains largely unexplored.

Central Atlea is dominated largely by the plains, a large area that is populated only by nomadic tribes of horsemen. The plains are a danger to cross but a beauty to behold.

In the south, the land grows colder and freezes over. Here, in the deep south, is Fort Brigg and the Southern Wall, protecting Atlea from the dangers of the frozen Melosian wasteland and the dangers of the Gray. In Fort Brigg it is always winter, and life there is harsh during the best of times.

Cities and Places of Interest

Estoria (the capitol city)






Fort Brigg and the Southern Wall


Lauratrea, the land of sun and sand, is Atlea's sister country in the east.  This country is warm and dry with little growth. The further north that one travels, the hotter it gets. The northern edge of the Lauratrea is referred to as the Red Waste, as the land is scorched and barren and the temperature is too hot for all but the most enduring.

The Lauratrean people are tall and dark-skinned and quick of speech. The common language of Lauratrea is similar to that of Atlea, with minor variations and local dialects. There is also a secondary language that is considered to be the true and holy language, but it is not the common tongue and is not often used.

Within the deserts of Lauratrea are growths of ice crystals, creating small oases where there is growth and life. The growths are a rare and natural phenomenon and each crystal is ever-growing, continually providing a source of fresh water that breathes life into the land and offers a small reserve of water. The desert heat, however, melts the ice and evaporates the water, limiting what each crystal is able to provide as a resource. In times of extreme heat, the growth of the ice crystals is often not fast enough to compensate for the rate that it melts. When this happens and a crystal dries up, it is gone forever. While they grow like plants, it is impossible to move or regrow an ice crystal. The Lauratrean ice crystals are, for this reason, regarded as sacred. Settlements are built around them, relying on the natural phenomenon to sustain to sustain the people.

The capitol city of Lauratrea, Lior, borders a great lake that is fed by a single, massive ice crystal. The crystal is considered to be the source of life in Lauratrea, fueling the land and its inhabitants.

Because the climate is extremely hot and the land is dry, save for the places where there are ice crystals large enough to use as a water source, the majority of the population of Lauratrea live either along the coast or near the rivers where water and trade have allowed for growth and prosperity.

Cities and Places of Interest

Lior (the capitol city)






Elmore Wood

The Dead Coast

The Red Waste (shown - not labelled)


Terratreos is the land of the north, peopled by a fractured populatioin of wildling clans constantly warring against each other. The land is barren and largely unpeopled. The wildling clans are separated and they live mostly in large villages. The Terratreans often raid each other as well as the cities and villages in bordering countries. Only the mountains of the Vale serve to keep Rowan's home safe.

Because the population of Terratreos is small and the people have banded together into clans, there are very few permanent settlements, most of which are little more than large villages. Many of the clans move from place to place, taking what they they can. Because the country is located so far in the north, where the land is hot and desolate, water is considered the most precious resource. Unlike Lauratrea, Terratreos has no growth of ice crystals to help breath life into the land. Water must be dug from the ground or found in the depths of underground caverns.

The only city in all of Terratreos is Shai'Tai, which serves as the gathering place for all wildling clans. In Shai'Tai, there is an unspoken law requiring peace between the clans, allowing it to serve as a gathering area and a place of free trade. The peace will even extend to outsiders, though there is no guarantee of safe passage to and from the city. Shai'Tai is the only area not controlled by any single clan and the closest thing the Terratreos has to a capitol.

Cities and Places of Interest

Vardenfell - The Dead Isle

The dead island of Vardenfell was once a lush area with a thriving colony. The island was an ideal place for trading ports and merchant cities, and long ago it was a paradise. The city of Caeldera stood proud and sheltered in the southwestern bay and the northern tip of the isle harbored trading ships. But when the Ashmount erupted and Caeldera was reduced to ruin, Vardenfell became uninhabitable and the land withered and died. Now, long after the island died, merchants and sailors still avoid the dead isle for fear of the Ashmount and the poison that still lingers throughout the land. It is rumored that the northern tip of the isle has been used by smugglers.

Places of Interest

Caeldera (the ruined city)

The Ashmount